Enable the developer console:
Go to Settings > Game Settings and set "Enable Developer Console" to "Yes".
Press ` or ~ on your keyboard.
Enter a command and hit ENTER on your keyboard to run it!
Commands List

This command activates the ALT1 (left ALT) key on your keyboard (the same as holding down the ALT key). Use -alt1 to deactivate.

This command activates the ALT2 (right ALT) key on your keyboard (the same as holding down the ALT key). Use -alt2 to deactivate.

This console command causes you to attack repeatedly. Use the command -attack to stop this. If you have a gun equipped while using this command it will make you fire until you need to reload.

This command will activate your secondary attack repeatedly. To stop this, use the -attack2 command. For example, this command makes you scope in with an AWP, or stab if you have your knife out.

This command will make your character move backwards continuously. Type -back into your console to disable this.

This movement console command will make your character crouch, similarly to how holding the left CTRL key on a keyboard works. -duck will make you stand up again.

This movement command makes your character move forward infinitely. Use -forward to disable this.

This console command allows you to use a joystick to move your camera.

This movement command causes your character to jump once into the air. It will also unbind your jump key, so enter -jump into your console to fix this.

This command prevents you from being able to move forward with your keyboard. Use the -klook command to disable it.

This command causes your camera to endlessly rotate in a left direction. Using the -left command will end the cycle.

This command only works in noclip mode and in demos: this command will make you (or your free-roam camera in demos) move downwards. Use -movedown to stop moving downwards.

This command will make your character move to the left. The -moveleft console command will stop your character from moving to the left after running this command.

This command will make your character move to the right. The -moveright console command will stop your character from moving to the left after running this command.

This command only works in noclip mode and in demos: this command will make you (or your free-roam camera in demos) move upwards. Use -moveup to stop moving upwards.

This command will prompt your character to reload their weapon if any bullets have been fired, and if not deactivated, will cause your character to reload instantly after firing a single bullet. Deactivate this command with the -reload command.

This command makes your camera spin endlessly to the right. Using the command -right will stop this effect.

This command will bring up the match scoreboard that displays statistics such as kills, deaths, and how many MVP medals each player has. Use the command -score to hide the scoreboard.

This console command will slow down the movement speed of your character. Type the command -speed to return your movement speed back to normal.

This command prevents your mouse from being able to adjust where your player model is looking. Instead, your mouse will cause you to move to the side, or strafe. Turn this off with the -strafe command.

This command will prompt you to perform the "use" action on an item or object if its applicable. For example, this command will make you plant the bomb if you're on a bombsite carrying the bomb when you use it. It can also open doors if you're in front of one. It acts in a similar way to the E key on a default keyboard setup. Use the -use command afterwards, as otherwise you will not be able to use this command again.

This a useful console command that, when activated, will start continuously transmitting what you say to your teammates in game, meaning you don't need to hold down a mic hotkey. The command -voicerecord disables this command and stops transmitting what you say to your team. Check our examples for a way to bind this to a key.

This command was removed from the game as it allowed players to move up ladders at full speed silently.

This command will make make your AWP, or any other weapon with a scope (e.g. scout) scope in. The weapon will continue to be scoped in/out until the command -zoom is used. The command may activate the "zoom" feature of other weapons like the stab of a knife or the burst fire switch of the glock.

This command will deactivate the alt1 key, which is usually activated with the +alt1 command.

This console command stops the action that the command +alt2 commands.

This is the command needed to stop firing or attacking if you've the +attack command.

This is the command you need to stop the infinite attack cycle that +attack2 causes, such as repeatedly stabbing if you have your knife equipped.

Using this console command stops your character walking backwards if you previously used the +back command.

If you're crouched, this cheat command will make you stand back up.

This is the command to use to stop your character walking forward if you've got them in an endless movement cycle.

This cheat command will dismiss the statistics graph that can be summoned by using the +graph command.

This cheat command can be used to prevent a joystick that you may have plugged into your computer from being able to adjust where the in game camera is looking.

This command will allow you to move forward using your keyboard if you've purposefully or accidentally disabled that function.

This is the console command that will stop your camera from rotating to the left on an unlimited loop, such as the command +left does.

This command will deactivate the +movedown command (will stop you or your camera from moving downwards).

This cheat command stops your character from moving if they've been set to move endlessly to the left.

This command prevents your character from moving any further if they've been set to move endlessly to the right.

This command will deactivate the +moveup command (will stop you or your camera from moving upwards).

This command will deactivate the +reload command (as after using the +reload command, you will instantly reload after firing any bullets).

This console command stops your camera from spinning in circles if you've set it to rotate endlessly to the right.

This command hides the CS:GO scoreboard if you brought it up with a command like +score.

This command will return the speed of your character back to running speed/normal if you've slowed it down with a command like +speed.

This command disables the effect from the +strafe command, where your mouse will move your character sideways rather than look around with the camera.

If you have previously used the +use command, you must run this command after (to deactivate it), so that you can use the +use command again.

This console command will stop transmitting voice communication if you've used a command that lets you communicate without holding down a hotkey. Check the examples for a bind to toggle between transmitting voice and not doing so.

This command breaks the infinite loop cycle of scoping in and out on a scoped weapon like the AWP or stabbing with your knife that +zoom causes.

This console command changes the air density inside of CS:GO. This is only used in drag computations.
Name | Description |
Air Density |
The number you wish to set the CS:GO air density (used in drag computations) to. This is capped at 10,000,000,000. |

This command will simulate pressing the gamepad slot 1 button (if you have gamepad enabled).

This command will simulate pressing the gamepad slot 2 button (if you have gamepad enabled).

This command will simulate pressing the gamepad slot 3 button (if you have gamepad enabled).

This command will simulate pressing the gamepad slot 4 button (if you have gamepad enabled).

This command will simulate pressing the gamepad slot 5 button (if you have gamepad enabled).

This command will simulate pressing the gamepad slot 6 button (if you have gamepad enabled).